

You can cancel your paid plan within 7 calendar days and ask for a full refund. Please contact our support team to get a refund

Outside of the 7 day refund policy, Paid subscriptions are non-refundable.

Only first-time subscribers are eligible for the 7-day refund option. If you upgrade from one Paid Plan to another, the new upgrade is not considered an “initial purchase", and won't be refunded unless the upgrade is cancelled within the 7 day trial period of the original purchase.

Free Trials

Stage TEN offers a free plan that lets you stream for free.

How to cancel your paid plan

You can update or cancel your subscription at anytime by following the steps below.

  1. Login to your Stage TEN dashboard.

  2. Click the Account button in the top right corner.

  3. Select Billing.

  4. On the billing portal page, click Cancel Plan, then confirm.

There is no minimum term or advance notice required to cancel your subscription.

When you unsubscribe from any plan, you will still have access to the service until the end of the term you paid for.

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