Design Your Show Flow (Run of Show)

Plan and write a Run of Show, then follow it while you're live.

Designing a Run of Show is just like designing an outline for a presentation. It involves planning and writing out the key items that you want to cover during your show.

Your Run of Show then acts as a loose script while you're live so you don’t miss anything!

Careful consideration and planning of your show's execution in advance is crucial for ensuring an enjoyable interactive experience for your audience and a smooth shoppable experience for all your potential customers.

Example: Run of Show

The key elements of a Run of Show:


Think of segments like the sections of your show. This will help you break up and organize the other elements of the Run of Show.

Segments can be titles introducing a part of the show, such as ‘Introduction’ or ‘Special Guest’ - or can describe a group of products you’ll be introducing, such as ‘Brows’ or ‘Eyes’.

Segments can also be numbered for easy reference in your script and if there are no distinctive topics throughout.


Planning the layout used for each segment is helpful because it allows you to pre-plan how you want the audience to view you or your host, and then any other graphics, products or elements that may be on screen for that segment.

Typical layouts include:

  • Fullscreen - consists of one video/feed/graphic filling the screen

  • Two Up - consists of two videos/feeds/graphics on screen

  • Three Up - consists of three videos/feeds/graphics on screen

  • Picture in Picture - consists of one video/feed/graphic with another smaller video/feed/graphic overlaid on top

Talking Points/Script

Some people thrive while speaking on-the-fly to an audience - but for those who prefer to think ahead about what they want to say or have general talking points, including these in the Run of Show is helpful.

This section can range from general points such as ‘Host introduces themself’ to a detailed script that the host follows.

Having this in the Run of Show also means that other team members helping out with the show can keep the host on track!


Estimating how long each segment will take ensures that your stream will stay within the planned time frame (we recommend going live for at least 30 minutes). This also helps any team members keep the host and show on track if time is running over.


If you are a Shopify merchant or are selling Shopify products alongside your streams, listing these products out in the Run of Show will ensure that all your chosen products get featured during the correct segment.

Learn more about featuring products.

Finally, planning which assets (graphics or video) will appear at what point in the show helps you think ahead about what you want to present and then ensures you display the right graphic or video when it’s time.

Learn more about using assets in your streams, or view a list of assets for an example stream.

Last updated