Suggested Assets and Graphics for Stage TEN and the Shop App

Find everything you need to get your website, Shop app and livestream ready!

To enhance the visual appeal of your live streams, we have curated a collection of templates that can be utilized to design captivating graphics and holding cards.

Stage TEN Studio Graphics and Overlays

Explore using assets and graphics in a live stream here: Creating Your Own Custom Overlays and Graphics

For on-screen graphics, we recommend the following:

  • Pre-Live (Intro) Holding card

  • Technical Difficulties card

  • Thanks for Watching card

These assets should match the aspect ratio of your livestream, either 16:9 or 9:16.

Download examples and templates: Stage TEN Studio Graphics and Overlays

This package contains examples in .png format, along with both Photoshop and Illustrator templates, so you can create your own graphics.

Stage TEN Player Cards:

  • Horizontal: 1280x720px for 16:9 ratio

  • Vertical: 1080x1920px for 9:16 ratio

These cards will be displayed on your player when you are not streaming live. If you have stored them online, we will only need the URL for each card. The file format can be either PNG, JPEG or GIF.

Download examples and templates: Stage TEN Player Cards

This package contains examples in .png format, along with both Photoshop and Illustrator templates, so you can create your own graphics.

Shop App Cards:

  • Preview (pre-live):

    • Before you are LIVE, this care will allow users to subscribe to receive push notifications when you go live.

  • Preview (live):

    • What customers will click on to watch your stream, once the live starts.

  • Both cards: 720x480 minimum for 3:2 ratio.

  • The file format can be either PNG or, JPEG.

  • They should not be more than 5MB in size.

Download examples and templates: Shop App Cards

This package contains examples in .png format, along with both Photoshop and Illustrator templates, so you can create your own graphics.

Recommended: Do not include dates on the assets themselves unless you intend to change them between broadcasts. Instead try something like "live weeknights at 7pm EST".

Last updated