
How to view metrics and analytics of your Past Live Streams on Stage TEN.

Analytics are available through your Stage TEN dashboard.

Log in with your usual Stage TEN account.

Navigate to 'Past streams' from the lefthand side menu.

On this page, you have the ability to navigate through your past streams.

Select the 'view details' button of the relevant past stream, then select the 'view details' button next to the Analytics title to access and view analytics for the selected past stream.

For the past live stream, you can access the following metrics:

  • Start Time

    • The date and time of day when the livestream went live

  • End Time

    • The date and time of day when the livestream stopped streaming

  • Duration

    • The duration of your livestream, in hours, minutes, and seconds


  • Unique Viewers

    • How many unique viewers watched the stream since the livestream began

  • Peak Concurrent Unique Viewers

    • The highest number of unique viewers that were watching at the same time during the livestream

  • Total Views

    • How many total viewers watched the stream since the livestream began

  • Average Views/Viewers

    • The total number of views divided by the number of unique viewers

  • Average Watch Time

    • The average amount of time viewers spent watching your livestream

  • Total Watch Time

    • The total amount of time viewers spent watching your livestream

  • Concurrent Unique Viewers

    • The total amount of simultaneous unique viewers over the duration of livestream

  • Viewer Browsers

    • Which browsers were used to view the livestream

  • Viewer Devices

    • Which devices were used to view the livestream

  • Viewer Device Types

    • Desktop or mobile device used to view the livestream

  • Viewer Locations

    • The geographical locations where the livestream was viewed from


  • Total Comments

    • The total amount of live comments that your livestream received

  • Unique Participants

    • The total number of viewers who commented during your livestream

  • Comment Rate

    • How many live comments your livestream received per minute

  • Engagement Rate

    • The percentage of how many viewers commented on your livestream compared to total viewers

  • Comments over time

    • How many comments were made throughout the duration of livestream

Shopify (Stage TEN Interactive Player & Shop App)

  • Adds to cart

    • The total number of products added to all carts during the livestream

  • Total orders

    • The total number of orders made during the livestream

  • Total sales

    • The total value of all orders made during the livestream

  • Average over value

    • The total value of all orders divided by the number of orders placed during the livestream

  • Total products sold

    • The total number of products sold during the livestream

  • Conversion Rate

    • The percentage of unique livestream viewers that made a purchase. That is, the total number of orders divided by the number of unique viewers

  • Average cart size

    • The average number of products per order. That is, the total number of products sold divided by total number of orders

Last updated